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Post-Match Review: Dodging the Storm

The evening of Friday the 10th of November. Gauteng is inundated with the sound of school and golf course lightning alarms, storm warnings beeping on cell phones and panicked Friday afternoon traffic all trying to get home before the rain comes.

Despite all of that, TSFA had a date with Waterstone College for a friendly match with their newly formed U15 side.

With some careful planning, committed parents, optimism and a little bit of faith in the football gods we were blessed with a wonderful sunset, a top-class floodlit facility and an enjoyable evening of football.

The boys were extremely excited to play on a great surface under amazing floodlights.

The game's objective was simple. Improve as a unit from the last outing. That meant that as a team we had to improve on the PLAYERMAKER stats. Some of which were the possession, pass completions and number of passes per possession.

The preparation had not been ideal with a number of boys missing sessions due to injury and exams plus the challenge of so many of the boys playing their club football in a different philosophy to one TSFA is trying to implement.

The boys had their individual game challenges too, clearly identified and discussed.

Game 1 Game 2

As the data indicates, as a team performance we didn't achieve our goal. As individuals there were some fair performances, but not always in line with the philosophy.

I hope the boys have the realisation of what can be achieved when a team plays as a unit, for each other and finds the solutions to the problems within the philosophy because for me that was the lesson to be learned from this game.

Credit too has to go to the opposition. On average they were younger boys, but younger boys with a very good understanding of their team philosophy, positional responsibilities and objectives.

Waterstone has really taken the 'Academy' term and managed to implement it as close as I have seen it applied anywhere in Johannesburg including at professional clubs.

Well done Gavin and your team, amazing work in only 5 years, keep it up.

In conclusion, a lot of enjoyment was had, some flair demonstrated, first-ever goals scored and lots of growth both individually and as a team. Onwards and upwards.


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